The Leadership Nominating Committee of the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin has announced the following nominees for the three open REALTOR® seats on the RASCW Board of Directors. Jenny Bunbury-Johnson, Bunbury & Associates, representing broker-owners from a Class I Firm (26+ agents) Stan Hill, Stark Company, REALTORS®, representing non-owners from a Class I Firm […]
July 2015 REALTOR® Review Now Available
After thirteen years of service to our association, Government Affairs Director Phil Salkin and his wife Mary have elected to retire to the warmer climate of Arizona. We wish them well in their new location and know they are looking forward to the opportunity for more travel. We also wish to welcome Robert Procter of […]
The Nominating Committee is charged with nominating individuals to serve on the RASCW Board of Directors beginning in 2016. Positions to be filled include one brokerowner from a Class I firm, one non-owner from a Class I firm, and one non-owner from a Class II firm. Class I firms are defined as having 26 or […]