November 11, 2020 webadmin
The Affordable Housing & Equal Opportunities Committee of RASCW is honored to announce a donation of $10,000 to Movin’ Out. Movie Night at the Duck Pond was brought to you by Old National Bank, the movie was sponsored by the Jo Ferraro Team with EXP, and the refreshments were sponsored by Guild Mortgage. It was […]
October 19, 2020 webadmin
The following Members will be installed in January as Directors of the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin for three year terms: Kyle Broom Badger Realty Team, Broker-owner from a Class II Firm (<26) Melissa Bjerke Markgraf Stark Company, REALTORS®, Non-owner from a Class I Firm (26+) Andrea Potterton Potterton Rule, Non-owner from […]
October 16, 2020 webadmin
September saw a significant increase in the number of sales in the region at 1,752, an increase of 362 over last year. Dane County experienced a similar trend with 878 sales, 44% more than in September 2019. The total number of sales throughout the SCWMLS region YTD is 12,873 which is an increase of 3.4% […]
October 8, 2020 webadmin
Not all struggling borrowers who are eligible for forbearance have taken it during the pandemic. That has led to a growing number of homeowners who are delinquent on their mortgages but don’t need to be. About 400,000 homeowners are “needlessly delinquent,” notes Urban Institute researchers Laurie Goodman and Michael Neal in a recent report. The […]
October 7, 2020 webadmin
The Wisconsin REALTORS® Foundation is once again promoting volunteerism during the week of November 16-20, 2020. To assist in organizing in-person volunteering, Feeding Wisconsin has helped to provide a centralized date of Wednesday, November 18th, 2020 that works for the facilities listed below. Of course, you may volunteer any time that week. Madison: Second Harvest (Dairy Dr.): […]
October 6, 2020 webadmin
This year, in an attempt to make it through the holiday season without any COVID-related consequences, many big retailers are shifting their sales and specials to start earlier and spread over a longer period. We can all learn from their decisions, and here is how: 1. If possible, shift marketing to online platforms. It is […]
October 5, 2020 webadmin
Renew your dues by December 1, 2020 to avoid an interruption of your services, including MLS access, ZipForms and the Legal Hotline. Please note that credit card payments will only be accepted online. To pay by VISA or MC, please click here. This service is handled by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and is […]
Thank you in advance for renewing your Membership in the REALTORS® Association of South Central Wisconsin! The 2021 Membership Renewal invoices will be arriving at your preferred address by the end of October. As your local Association, it is our responsibility to collect dues on behalf of the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA) and the National […]
October 2, 2020 webadmin
Welcome to October!! The fall season has arrived, and our landscapes have shifted into a stunning sea of gold and red. While most of you are picking out pumpkins, your buyers are attempting to invest in a place to call home for the holidays. Facing low inventory and multiple offers, this can understandably cause heartache […]
October 1, 2020 webadmin
The spread of the Coronavirus, known as COVID-19 has developed rapidly around the nation and in our community. In order to ensure our staff and membership are protected, RASCW and SCWMLS will be taking the following actions: Staff is mandated to remote workspace effective immediately. The Association and MLS’s physical office space will be closed […]