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August Member Spotlight: Cheri Hjerstedt, Realtor®

 August 2, 2022      webadmin


How long have you been working in the real estate industry?
I’m in my 6th year

How did you get into real estate?
I was introduced to Spanish as a child, studied it from 7th grade on, got my degree in Secondary Education to be a Spanish and English teacher, and went on to get my Masters in Leadership and taught Spanish and English for 30 years. I also worked as a police translator, a bilingual police clerk, an ESL teacher for migrants, and more. I retired from teaching to be a stay at home “Grammy”. After a short time realized I craved interaction with people. I love houses and helping people, so I went into real estate. I noticed the Latino community being underserved, so I now also focus on helping the Latino community live their dream of homeownership. I get to use my Spanish, teach clients how to navigate the home buying process and the market, and show them beautiful homes. Plus, I can schedule my time around my grandson – win-win!

What was one of your greatest challenges starting out? How did you address it?
Just starting out I was a dual career agent. It was difficult to manage specific hours, as was encouraged by some people, for working my business. I needed to put my grandson first and business second. Also, as an extrovert, having left a job with over 120 students a day, their parents, other staff, etc. to be home with just an infant to interact with daily was a huge adjustment. I took my grandson with me to classes, showings, closings, etc. whenever possible. Once he started school, it freed up my days to turn my hobby into a new career.

What support or advice did you find most helpful when starting out in the industry?
Agents control their time. There is no such thing as a real estate emergency that only the agent is best equipped to handle. Therefore, it is important to set expectations right away with clients, and if necessary, it’s okay to not work with a client if they can’t meet those.

What do you enjoy most about working in real estate?
People. It sounds cliche, but I love helping people. I especially love closing days of families who did not believe they would ever own a home.

What is your proudest achievement or favorite memory working in real estate?
Being able to assist clients in Spanish throughout the entire process makes me very proud. I love that I can help clients in their native language through a very emotional process. Because of my language skills, I am able to meet them where they are and when they need me without needing to call an interpreter service. Because of my extensive background learning and teaching about the culture in addition to the language, I am able to assist my clients with issues that could otherwise become stumbling blocks on their path to homeownership.

What advice would you give to someone new to the industry, or someone considering real estate?
BE YOURSELF. If the brokerage you sign with is not accepting you for who you are, you CAN and SHOULD find a brokerage who will. No one told me I could switch brokerages to find one that fit with my beliefs, my morals, and my business plan. Create good habits for managing your money, your time, and your emotional energy. Watch and learn from others.

How has being a member of RASCW benefited you?
I meandered along my first few years. I did not get involved and felt like an island. Now I am actively participating in events, both educational and social. I am part of some great committees furthering causes that matter to me. I am Co-Chair of RASCW’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and a member of the Affordable Housing & Equal Opportunities Committee. My voice is being heard. A huge benefit is getting to know more agents. These are the same agents I will one day do a deal with, so getting to know them helps the transaction be a win from the beginning.

How are you involved and making a difference in your community?
I translate for various people, and I have started to get involved in the greater Madison area community through the Centro Guadalupe. My background puts me in a unique position to help educate a group of people who otherwise do not know how to navigate the homebuying process. Many do not realize they CAN own a home! I am working to get various classes put together for the Latino community here and up north in a community of migrant workers.  I also write a monthly article in Mis Ciudades, a bilingual magazine produced here in Madison, which is aimed at helping community members understand the homebuying process, whether it is about financing options, how to buy using ITIN, etc. As word gets out, I am sure we will also find other ways to actively be involved!

If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, alive or not, who would it be?
Evita (Eva Peron-First Lady of Argentina)

Outside of work, what makes you happy?

Spending time with family, watching sunsets, e-biking, boat rides, gathering at the family lake house, hiking, playing with our dogs, and listening to waves crashing on the shore while watching the sunset or sunrise.